NIOSH approved 3M 6001 Organic Vapor Cartridge for a variety of organic vapors
Organic vapor cartridges manufactured by 3M can be used by professionals and are NIOSH approved to provide at least 99.7% filter efficiency against solid and liquid particles that contain oil.
NIOSH approved against certain organic vapors. Use with 3M™ Half and Full Facepieces 6000 Series respirator (MMM6100, MMM6200, MMM6300) and 3M™ Half and Full Facepieces 7000 Series with bayonet style cartridge holders.
Used in a variety of workplace applications, including petrochemical, chemical manufacturing, construction, transportation and electronics. When properly fitted, helps provide respiratory protection from certain organic vapors at concentrations up to 10 times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) with half facepieces or 50 times PEL with full facepieces. Full facepieces must be quantitatively fit tested to claim assigned protection factor above 10 in negative pressure mode. Not for use in environments that are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
3M recommends that this cartridge should be used in assembly and mechanical, batch-charging, change-overs, chemical dispensing, clean up, cleaning, painting, parts changing and seal coating environments. Inventory needs and training requirements for safety equipment are reduced because this respirator cartridge selection works for many different applications, such as chemicals, construction, oil and gas and transportation.
The 3M™ Cartridge Filters 6000 Series attach to 3M™ Half and Full Face Respirators to provide gas and vapor protection. The 3M™ Particulate Disc Filters 2000 series attach to the 3M™ Half and Full Face Respirators to provide particulate protection. Cartridges & Filters are tested to AS/NZS 1716.
Breathing any organic vapors can pose a risk to your health. NIOSH, a Federal government regulatory agency, has tested and approved the 3M Organic Vapor cartridge to help reduce exposure to certain organic vapors.
This filter comes in a sealed bag and it’s important that you replace it into this bag once you are finished using it to prolong its life. The cartridge contains granulated charcoal, which is held between a small plastic grid and behind that there is some fabric. The fabric is only intended to hold the granules in place and not intended to be a dust filter. The dust filter 5M115P71 can go on top of this which is held in with a retainer.
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